

Balkan Committee 2024 Report

Balkan Committee 2024 Report

The 2024 edition of the Balkan Round Table Committee (BRT) of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) took place from June 20th to 23rd in Pristina, Kosovo. This event was organized in cooperation with VETËVENDOSJE!, a youth organization applying to become a member of IUSY. The central theme of the meeting was "Reclaiming the Path: The Future of Social Democracy in Western Balkans".

The event hosted approximately 12 delegates, including the Secretariat. There was a high representation of countries from the European region, with delegates from over 6 different countries.
Daily Activities:
June 21st: In collaboration with VETËVENDOSJE!, we had a comprehensive discussion on the challenges and opportunities for Social Democracy in the Region. This session set the tone for the event, highlighting the current landscape in the region and what main obstacles each country faces at the moment. The group also visited the Assembly of Kosovo and met with Vice-President Saranda Bogujevci, member of Lëvizja VETËVENDOSJE. The group ended the day with a visit to the Reporting House and the National Gallery of Kosova. 
June 22nd: The day featured multiple key activities:
Meeting with Mr Kreshnik Ahmeti- Deputy minister of Foreign Affairs 
Workshop Session on Strategies for Reclaiming the Path to Social Democracy 
Statement discussion and writing: each participant contributed, sharing ideas and thoughts that could help improve the strategies discussed.
Significant Results:
Prishtina Declaration: Reclaiming the Path – The Future of Social Democracy in the Western Balkans: The BRT 2024 released a statement declaring the Committee’s commitment to Social Democracy, equality and inclusive policies.
Discussions on the region’s political situation: There were in-depth discussions, reflections, and exchanges regarding the situation in the Western Balkans.
High Participation and Representation: The event saw great participation, with over 10 participants from 6 different countries, highlighting the broad and diverse engagement within the Balkan region.
IUSY Statement - Prishtina Declaration: Reclaiming the Path – The Future of Social Democracy in the Western Balkans
On June 21st and 22nd, youth leaders, activists, from across the Western Balkans gathered in Prishtina, Kosova, for the IUSY Balkan Round Table to discuss "Reclaiming the Path: The Future of Social Democracy in the Western Balkans". This declaration reflects our collective vision and commitment to advancing socialist principles and social democracy in our region.
The Western Balkans, with its diverse cultures and complex history, remains a critical area of focus for European and global powers. The recent geopolitical shifts, including the war in Ukraine and Palestine, have intensified the challenges and opportunities for our region. As we face these new realities, the pursuit of social democracy becomes even more crucial for maintaining peace, stability, and development.
The rise of political tensions, pervasive propaganda, authoritarianism and far-right ideologies further exacerbate these challenges. Corruption and dysfunctional institutions undermine public trust and impede fair development. Moreover, ethnic tensions and divisions persistently fracture social cohesion and unity. Confronting these issues necessitates a comprehensive and coordinated strategy that prioritizes the needs and rights of all citizens, particularly the youth.
Strengthening the rule of law, enhancing worker rights, and combating corporate influence and corruption are fundamental to achieving social justice and equality. We pledge to uphold the principles of equality and non-discrimination, protecting the rights of all individuals, including ethnic minorities, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and persons with disabilities. Through inclusive policies and affirmative action, we strive to create a society where everyone enjoys equal opportunities and dignity.
Regional cooperation is crucial for fostering solidarity and unity among Balkan nations. We support initiatives that promote dialogue, mutual understanding, and collective action on shared challenges such as economic integration, environmental sustainability, and cultural exchange. Building bridges across borders strengthens our collective resilience and advances common interests.
Youth participation in the prevention and resolution of disputes is essential for building sustainable peace. As an International Union closest to the youth, we believe that young people have a key role in dealing with conflicts and contributing to solutions, as they are the ones most affected by these issues. For IUSY, it is vital that people in the Balkans feel safe and see lasting changes resulting to regional stability. 
We call upon governments, civil society organizations, and international partners to support our efforts in advancing socialist principles and social democracy in the Western Balkans. We urge to prioritize youth inclusion, democratic reforms, and sustainable development initiatives that promote resilience and prosperity. We commit to monitoring progress, sharing best practices, and advocating for policies that uphold democratic values and social justice.