

Regional Committees

Regional committees are the cornerstones of IUSY. For articulating its global work IUSY needs strong bases in the Regional Committees. It is important to have a good balance between IUSY work on global and regional levels.

Through the Regional Committees, we can involve organizations that have not participated so far, and develop further introductory and assessment visits for new membership. It is essential to strengthen the work of the Regional Committees, because they are the fora in which regional organizations can meet, strengthen relations, and at the same time strengthen IUSY, both regionally and globally.

Regional committees are the place to discuss crucial issues and events in each region, evaluate them from a regional, and at the same time from a global perspective. In addition, it is invaluable for IUSY to get this information firsthand.

Regional coordinator and the Vice presidents from the region are responsible for coordinating the work of regional committees in cooperation with the IUSY Secretariat. Each regional committee is facing different challenges, and in turn, all the Regional Committees are gathered in one organization with common values. To link the various functions, each Regional Committee will develop its own political priorities in the context of the overall IUSY Action Plan.

Our work is focused on the values that identify us as Socialists and Social Democrats – Equality, Solidarity, Freedom and Democracy. Research and analysis in each region will take into account the specific needs, from the global perspective of our values. We will therefore work to develop and promote democratic principles, freedom and social justice, as well as the
principles of tolerance and respect that are crucial for the creation of egalitarian societies.

The regional committees are divided into 6 regions:

African Committee

American Committee

Asia Pacific Committee

Mediterranean Committee

European Committee 

In addition there are two sub-committees to the European Committee:

Balkan Round Table

Black Sea Area Committee

Working Groups

The Statutes and the IUSY World Congress establish the working groups in each mandate. The working groups have the task to identify and prioritize specific areas of the organization’s work. They have a global dimension and approach their topics from the different points of view.
Each working group should develop its strategy to try to gather more information at global level and keep strengthening the network.
There are two permanent working groups defined by the Statutes: the Feminist and Queer. The Presidium and the General Secretariat shall assume coordination on social movements, students, and young workers’ organizations.

Currently IUSY organizes the following working groups

Feminist working group

Queer working group

Student working group

Pool of trainers


Feminist working group

The aim of the Feminist working group is to increase gender equality in IUSY and the world. Campaigning represents a crucial task for raising awareness on gender equality. Another of its main aims is to ensure that gender equality is a reality in our organization. In order to strengthen the agenda it is important to support the leadership of young women in

IUSY and in the member organizations through trainings for young female leaders. This is a priority for everyone in IUSY.
Although IUSY policy on gender equality is good, in practice there is still much to do, especially in some of the IUSY member organizations.

The feminist working group meets once a year, keep yourself informed in our website or social media for the upcoming events.

Queer working group

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The Queer working group is aiming at ensuring LGBTQI+ rights in IUSY and the world. LGBTQI+ rights are a fundamental principle of IUSY, but their presence could be stronger. Raising awareness on LGBTQI+ rights is a priority for our organization. Many of the IUSY member organizations need to improve their policies on LGBTQI+ rights. The leadership in this task cannot stop with the LGBTQI+ working group – it is important that all in IUSY work for LGBTQI+ rights.

The Queer working group meets once a year, keep yourself informed in our website or social media for the upcoming events.


The Queer Working Group 2023 convened in Croatia's picturesque Dubrovnik, exploring the essentials of being a supportive queer ally. Discussions delved into strategies for fostering inclusivity within organizations. From the collective commitment resulted a booklet on « How to be a good Queer Ally 101 » 

Link to the Booklet -  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17ojaszozC_L3hcttFSbLuProQeCmG1Ga?usp=share_link


Student Working Group

The Student Working Group brings together young activists of IUSY member organisations from all 7 regions. The aim of the meeting is to strengthen the Student Working Group and enhance student cooperation. The meeting will offer a platform to discuss current political situations in the regions in regards to education, give space to engage in a dialogue on common struggles and obstacles, and work together to come up with strategies to enact political and social change. Participants can look forward to meeting youth actors, getting involved in political debates and discussions, sharing experiences and ideas and building up their international network. There is also an added focus on skill building.

During the working group we explore foundations of knowledge societies as a source for development, the importance of freedom of expression, learning societies and a culture of innovation, learning as a key value, new inputs for education including e-learning, and the universal access to knowledge. Through exploring these topics we can analyse the new challenges of education, the effects of technology and how youth fits into this process. We will also discuss how this makes a difference in political participation. 

The purpose of this activity is to strengthen students’ rights and the right to fair and quality education for all. Through the student network we can create active youth engagement and strengthen participation in political youth associations.  We also aim to strengthen the IUSY student organisations. 

The Students working group meets once a year, keep yourself informed in our website or social media for the upcoming events.

Pool of trainers


What is the PoT?

IUSY Pool of Trainers is a community of trainers and facilitators who support IUSY activities from non-formal educational approach. During the year IUSY implements about 20 activities around the world. Believing in the holistic approach of non-formal education and its impact on youth and youth organisations last 5 years we have started to implement more and more NFE activities or different elements of it in our activities. The Training of Trainers, prepares active members of IUSY member organisations (MOs) taking the role of a trainer. Upcoming years, we are planning to strengthen the Pool by continuing with ToTs and engaging our trainers in training/facilitating various IUSY activities. 

Why the PoT?

International activities, working groups, committee meetings, councils and congresses of IUSY strongly carry an educational element. We aim those activities to be facilitated and run by experienced trainers who share the same strong socialist values of IUSY. Our trainers should be experienced in intercultural learning, non-formal education, political youth work, youth and political activism. Member of IUSY PoT will run different types of educational activities or sessions depending on the needs of the specific activity.  We are open for external trainers who do not belong to IUSY member organisations as well as internal trainers who have been part of IUSY ToTs and are coming from our MOs. 

In addition, we want to strengthen the network of trainers who will support IUSY in delivering future IUSY activities using non-formal education approach. This is why we believe we should mainstream diverse methodologies into the activities of IUSY. Through this training, we aim to position ourselves in the challenge zone in order to offer greater diversity in our events and obtain richer outcomes from our meetings and discussions. 

The Training of Trainers is offered once a year, keep yourself informed in our website or social media for the upcoming events.

Study Visits

As an international organisation, we run activities for fostering youth cooperation and improvement of the status and lives of young people all over the world. The study visit provides the participants with the opportunity of learning on the ground 

New to this year was the cooperation with International Federation of Liberal Youth (IFLRY). The purpose of the activity is to strengthen cross-party cooperation by offering the participants an enriching experience where to learn about current common topics and expand on the common grounds. 

The Study visits are offered throughout a year, keep yourself informed in our website or social media for the upcoming events.


Peace Thematic Network currently in development.