

IUSY condemns the police brutality and repression by the Armenian government

IUSY condemns the police brutality and repression by the Armenian government

IUSY condemns the police brutality and repression by the Armenian government

IUSY expresses deep concern over the ongoing border delimitation and demarcation process between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, particularly in the Tavush region of Armenia. This process is being conducted under the threat of aggression from Azerbaijan, which fundamentally undermines its legitimacy and threatens the sovereignty of Armenia.
The imposition of border changes under duress contravenes both Armenian and international law. Armenia, a landlocked nation, should not be coerced into ceding territory and compromising its national security. Such forced concessions only serve to make Armenia more vulnerable and embolden Azerbaijan, increasing the likelihood of renewed conflict.
We stand in solidarity with the Armenian people and the ongoing protest movement, which reflects the genuine concerns of Armenian citizens across diverse societal layers. We condemn the brutal use of force by law enforcement authorities to violently repress the peaceful protesters. Therefore, we urge the Armenian government to respect its citizens' constitutional rights by refraining from the use of disproportionate force and ensuring that their voices are heard without hindrance. 
We call on the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and other relevant international and multinational bodies to condemn Azerbaijan's actions. Concrete measures, including sanctions, should be taken to hold the Aliyev government accountable for its unlawful use of threats and aggression.
Sustainable and lasting peace can only be achieved in an environment free from coercion and violence. The IUSY advocates for a fair and legally grounded resolution that respects Armenia's sovereignty and respects international law.
28 May 2024