

IUSY stands in solidarity with Move Forward Party

IUSY stands in solidarity with Move Forward Party

IUSY condemns the Thailand Constitutional Court’s decision to dissolve the Move Forward Party and ban the party executive from running for office until 2034.

This follows the 2023 Thailand election, in which the Move Forward Party won the largest share of seats. The people chose a progressive and democratic future for Thailand. However, the party was blocked from taking power. This recent court-ordered dissolution is a grave disrespect to Thailand’s democracy, elections and everyone who voted for change.
The dissolution was on the grounds of ‘jeopardizing the constitutional monarchy and national security, through advocating for reform of the lèse-majesté law.
IUSY states that in a democracy, no party should face legal penalties for advocating peacefully for legal reform. Furthermore, the freedoms of expression and association must be upheld.
We unequivocally condemn this decision, and stand by our comrades in the Move Forward Party. We know they have successfully rebuilt before, and will again. 
Let's keep moving forward.
16 August 2024