

The Ulaanbaatar Statement - Asia Pacific Committee Resolution 2023

The Ulaanbaatar Statement - Asia Pacific Committee Resolution 2023

The youth leaders affiliated with the International Union of Socialist Youth have convened today, 28 October 2023, to collectively express our profound concerns regarding the imminent threats posed by climate change. We recognize the urgent need for immediate and concerted action to alleviate its impact. Keeping in mind the principles outlined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), we underscore the paramount significance of fostering collaboration and cooperation among nations, their leaders, and our youth representatives.


We firmly believe that the future lies in our hands and our collective actions can shape a better tomorrow.


We urge the Asia Pacific Committee and our fellow youth leaders to actively raise awareness about the dire impacts of the climate crisis. It is imperative to call upon our leaders to pursue more collaborative actions and establish ambitious yet attainable policies and goals. We stress the importance of promoting the incorporation of renewable energy sources into national energy strategies and emphasize the need to concentrate efforts on reducing deforestation, while also advocating for initiatives that facilitate reforestation and afforestation.


In this period of crisis and unpredictability, the Asia Pacific Committee appeals for unity and solidarity. It is only through a robust and cooperative approach among our organizations that we can commence meaningful and effective action.


Asia Pacific Committee firmly resolves:


1.     To push for holistic environmental legislation, that empowers institutions and encourages accountability among all stakeholders.

2.     To strongly encourage accountability measures for states who do not comply with their international obligations.

3.     To advocate for sustainable development goals and policies which are meaningful and attainable.

4.     To demand prioritization of the availability of fresh, clean drinking water for all, especially in regions experiencing water scarcity due to climate change.

5.     To champion for green initiatives and digital transition to reduce waste and carbon emissions. 

6.     To recognize the urgent need for collective action. 

7.     To recognize the impacts of flooding, and to encourage the development of more resilient infrastructure and community led resilience plans.

8.     To advocate for the protection of fragile marine ecosystems through responsible fishing. 

9.     To support eco-friendly practices in the transportation sector and push for a transition to more sustainable modes of transport. 

10.  To push for the education of the public about the dangers of climate change, helping our communities to anticipate and prepare for natural disasters.

11.  To condemn misinformation about the dire effects of climate change in all sectors of the public and government.

12.  To emphasize the importance of adopting sustainable practices in the aviation industry to mitigate its harmful environmental footprint. 

13.  To acknowledge the importance of youth engagement in the fight against climate change.

14.  To recognize the necessity of transitioning to clean and renewable energy sources.

15.  To advocate for the implementation of reforestation and afforestation programs aimed at restoring degraded forest areas, to protect biodiversity and mitigate the effects of deforestation on climate change. 

16.  To acknowledge the influential role of sports in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability

17.  To encourage national governments to develop policies which distribute environmentally friendly stoves to low-income populations.

18.  To raise awareness and provide education on climate change while encouraging sustainable practices among the youth.